Blog Đông Tác

Nguyễn Chí Công, CFLS

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To the US President and Others:

Justice for victims of Agent Orange

Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA)

Thứ Ba 19, Tháng Sáu 2007, bởi Cong_Chi_Nguyen

We welcome and support the Civil Action brought by the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, and three million Vietnamese victims. The documents have been submitted to a court in New York, on behalf of all affected by the chemicals used by the American Forces in their War on Vietnam.

This will be the first ever such action by Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange in any court of law.

We call upon the U.S. President, Government and the Chemical Companies named as defendants in the documents, to accept their responsibilities for the damage caused by their actions and products, and to pay full compensation to the victims.


The Dong Tac Foundation